Telegram introduces Voice Chats 2.0, which includes new features to make auditory communication more convenient

Telegram introduces Voice Chats 2.0, which includes new features to make auditory communication more convenient

Telegram, a popular messaging software, is offering additional features in order to expand its user base. The firm has announced to create a new Clubhouse-like function. The feature in question is Voice Chats 2.0, which stands for Voice Chats 2.0. It makes it easier to communicate with others on the site using audio means. According to the company, the feature includes additional enhancements such as recordable voice conversations, extensive lists of speakers and listeners, and other features. With the aid of the latest feature in Channels, users may now hold live audio chat sessions with other users. Telegram stated that there is no restriction on the number of people who can participate. The functionality has been available on Telegram since December 2020, according to the company’s website. Groups, on the other hand, were restricted.

Clubhouse is a mobile application for social networking. It is an audio-based software for the iPhone that is only available via invitation. It was first introduced in April of last year. Users can establish rooms, join topics, and engage in debates that have already been started. Voice conversations may be hosted by administrators of groups and channels, according to Telegram. It was stated that millions of people will be able to participate in the discussion and listen live. To start a voice chat, the administrator of a group or channel must first enter the profile page of the group or channel and then pick the Start option. According to the corporation, the most recent version provides administrators with the option to record sessions. Automatically, shortly after the session finishes, the audio file will be stored to the Saved Messages area of the computer.


It was announced by Telegram that when participants in a live chat session are muted, listeners may simply raise their hand to ask the administrator whether they would like to speak. Administrators will now be able to readily recognise a participant’s credentials thanks to adjustments made by the firm. Administrators will be able to see the biographies of the participants. It is possible that participants will be more easily identifiable if they mention their topic knowledge in their profile. Admins can also establish invite links for their users. By selecting one of these links, you will be sent immediately to the voice chat. Additionally, separate connections for both the speakers and the listeners may be made. Notably, a comparable function has recently been offered by a number of social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter. Twitter has also introduced a new idea known as Twitter Spaces, which is intended to enable audio chats.

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