In light of legal issues, the present version of YouTube Vanced will no longer be available

In light of legal issues, the present version of YouTube Vanced will no longer be available

Vanced, the popular but controversial YouTube software, has announced that it will no longer be available. In spite of the fact that YouTube ad blockers aren’t significant in Russia just yet, Vanced has enabled features such as background video playback, which is ostensibly only available to YouTube Premium users.

Vanced’s developers have said that the project would be put on hold owing to legal issues with Google. Users can reach this group through Discord, Telegram, and Reddit for the time being. For example, YouTube Vanced allowed you to remove almost all advertising from the YouTube video service platform video service platform, along with the option of skipping “sponsored” segments of the original video and allowing you to create a “white list” of channels on which advertising could be saved.


As a result of these additions, users could watch films in picture-in-picture mode or listen to them in the background while their screens were off, saving battery life for their devices. Even better than the original programme was the use of gestures to adjust the volume and brightness of the screen.

The Neowin webpage claims that the Vanced project has been permanently abandoned by the development team. The current version is available and is functioning well. Links to relevant downloads will be removed from the Web by the creators.

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